The Deck

We moved into our house in 2010. One of the things that drew us to the house was the big above-ground pool and the deck. We imagined lots of cook outs and pool parties for our future children. The only problem is, it wasn’t very pretty. Every year we would do what we could to get the pool blue so we could swim but we never did anything about the deck. The previous owners painted the deck white, and then spackled blue paint on top. It was hideous. This year I decided enough was enough. This was the before…

The hubs started with replacing the rotten wood. In typical Brian form, he went above and beyond what he was suppose to do. He ended up replacing more wood than necessary and redesigning the step up/seat around the pool. I must say, it is much better.

I should say that we had the paint for at least two weeks before touching it, and the wood for at least a week. But with the hub’s new job and going to school three nights a week, plus trying to get to the gym whenever he could, he had no time to work on the deck until the afternoon before our Easter party.

He didn’t start painting the deck until midnight. I believe he finished and was in bed around 2am and we still had some wood that wasn’t painted. It still looked a lot better than before!

When we woke up, Aiden and I ran out to the deck to see how it turned out. The paint was still pretty wet and we left with grey feet but by the time the party started, it was bone dry.

We still need to do another coat of paint but it looks a thousand times better! Hopefully, this won’t be another house project that is still unfinished years later.


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